- barium phosphite
- фосфористокислый барий
calcium phosphite — фосфористокислый кальций
potassium phosphite — фосфористокислый калий
ammonium phosphite — фосфористокислый аммоний
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific. 2015.
calcium phosphite — фосфористокислый кальций
potassium phosphite — фосфористокислый калий
ammonium phosphite — фосфористокислый аммоний
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific. 2015.
Systematik der Minerale nach Dana/Phosphate, Arsenate, Vanadate — Die Phosphate, Arsenate, Vanadate in der Systematik der Minerale nach Dana umfassen die Klasse VII dieser Systematik. Nach der neuen Dana Klassifikation besteht die Klasse bei den Phosphaten aus den Unterklassen 37 (Wasserfreie saure Phosphate),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
oxyacid — /ok see as id/, n. Chem. an inorganic acid containing oxygen. Also called oxygen acid. [1830 40; OXY 2 + ACID] * * * ▪ chemical compound Introduction any oxygen containing acid. Most covalent nonmetallic oxides (oxide) react with water to… … Universalium
List of inorganic compounds — Tentative listing related to this page, inorganic compounds by element (presently under construction), as well as . This list is not necessarily complete or up to date ndash; if you see an article that should be here but isn t (or one that… … Wikipedia
Roter Phosphor — Eigenschaften … Deutsch Wikipedia
Schwarzer Phosphor — Eigenschaften … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tetraphosphor — Eigenschaften … Deutsch Wikipedia
Weißer Phosphor — Eigenschaften … Deutsch Wikipedia